# présentation debian nantes janvier 2019 ## pkg-from-dsc : Jenkins and aptly to build and host backports ### Rencontres Debian Nantes - janvier 2019 #### Arthur Lutz (Logilab) ![](https://www.logilab.fr/file/2831/raw/logo-logilab.svg =100x) --- ## Introduction * Arthur Lutz * [![](https://social.logilab.org/system/custom_emojis/images/000/002/815/original/d91b01cc6bc88981.png =30x)<!-- .element style="border:0;margin:0;background:black" --> @arthurlutz](https://twitter.com/arthurlutz) * ![](https://social.logilab.org/system/custom_emojis/images/000/002/814/original/63c72d3387d84738.png =30x)<!-- .element style="border:0;margin:0;background:black" --> [@arthurlutz@social.logilab.org](https://social.logilab.org/@arthurlutz) * [Logilab](https://www.logilab.fr) * [![](https://social.logilab.org/system/custom_emojis/images/000/002/815/original/d91b01cc6bc88981.png =30x)<!-- .element style="border:0;margin:0;background:black" --> @logilab](https://twitter.com/logilab/) * ![](https://social.logilab.org/system/custom_emojis/images/000/002/814/original/63c72d3387d84738.png =30x)<!-- .element style="border:0;margin:0;background:black" --> [@logilab@social.logilab.org](https://social.logilab.org/@logilab) --- ## Objective #### use `Jenkins` to build backports from `dsc` descriptions and upload them to `aptly` * Allow users to build any packages on a `sbuild` server through a `Jenkins` job * Allow users to interract with existing aptly repositories without access to `aptly` server * Provide a simple web interface to get build artifacts & `lintian` results * Alternative to `Deb-o-Matic` but with `Jenkins` and `aptly` --- ## Jenkins https://jenkins.io/ ![](https://i.imgur.com/2xqJes7.png) * `pkg-from-dsc.py` in Jenkins --- ## Jenkins parametric build ![](https://i.imgur.com/i6kZBAa.png) --- ## Jenkins build artifacts ![](https://imgur.com/ZDAtAfz.png) --- ## Lintian results ![](https://imgur.com/WYVGAJY.png) --- ## Aptly https://www.aptly.info/ ![](https://i.imgur.com/oHICYhd.png) --- ## aptly hook * on aptly side, hook with scp-hook * `dcmd scp pkg.changes aptly@aptly.example.org:incoming/unstable` * equivalent of `dput` over `ssh` --- ## Uses at Logilab * stretch-backports * jessie-backports * <ubuntu>-backports --- ## Example packages * mercurial / mercurial-evolve / tortoisehg * neomutt * js / typescript / node * profanity * python libraries * wireguard --- ## Conclusion / Questions * Thanks for your attention * Any questions ? ![](https://www.logilab.fr/file/2831/raw/logo-logilab.svg =100x)